Chapter Vice President

Vice President's Script

“I am (Your name) and the (Your business category in the Chapter) for this Chapter. As Vice President, I take attendance. If you are going to be absent, it is important that you let me know. Since the members of our Chapter serve as a sales force for your business, you will want to attend meetings on a regular basis to give and receive referrals.”

Overall Vice President’s Duties

(Optional practice, depending on size of chapter. Area Director must approve this, chapter by chapter)

Calls for chairperson reports during meeting. Each person is asked to stand and describe their duties.

  1. Secretary ___________________(board meeting report; referral ticket explanation; 3rd week referral report)
  2. Treasurer ____________________(checking account balance)
  3. Hospitality & Business Card Holder ____________________(reminds members to bring brochures for display table; reminds guests and members to supply business card holder.)
  4. Membership ____________________(explains application procedures to guests; reports on status of prior guests)
  5. Program ____________________(announces member speaker for next 2 weeks)
  6. Publicity ____________________(handles social media for chapter and prepares Chapter portion of monthly newsletter)
  7. Social ____________________(progress report on future socials)
  8. Sergeant at Arms ____________________(maintains order at meetings; enforces professional fees)
  • Chairs weekly meeting or monthly board meetings in the absence of the President.
  • Keeps accurate weekly attendance records and sends appropriate termination letters.
  • Phones members who are absent every week to tell them they were missed at meeting.