Chapter Social Chair

Social Chair Script

“I am (your name) and the (Your business category) for this Chapter. As Social Chair, I arrange quarterly business mixers. This is an opportunity for us to invite guests, including significant others, promote PRE and attract new members who will use our services and products.”

Overall Social Chair Duties

  • Chapter socials may be held semi-annually or monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly. (Most Chapters prefer a quarterly schedule.) No alcoholic beverages may be funded by the Chapter treasury at these events.
  • Arranges mini-socials as requested by Chapter members, usually after hours at their place of business. (This is not a replacement of regular weekly meetings.)
  • Professional Referral Exchange socials are intended for the recruitment of new members as well as a “significant other” get together.
  • May assist Area Director in planning an area wide social.
  • Coordinates with other Chapter Social Chairs for combined Chapter events.